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What We Want Wants Us


In New Thought we teach that God’s will for our life is what we will for our life as long as it does not hurt anyone else. Spirit wants to respond to us. Our job is to be patient and have faith. Jesus said “If you ask for bread you won’t receive a stone.” Ernest Holmes wrote that means, “If you plant a rose bush you won’t get a lemon tree.” We receive what we ask for. Spirit returns to us what we put into the Law. It assumes we put it there because that is what we wish to experience. It rewards us by making our beliefs manifest.

If for some reason you are experiencing something you do not like ask yourself what did I do to manifest this? What do I need to change?  Remember it’s not about blame it’s about taking responsibility. Recently I saw a TV program where five youths entered a home to burglarize it. In the process the home owner killed one of the intruders. The other four were sentenced to long prison terms. Their moms were on the show and seemed to be pointing fingers at everyone but the young men. A former prosecutor pointed out that only the young men were responsible for what happened. Until we are willing to take responsibility for our actions how can we bring change about in our lives?

Joel Goldsmith reminds us, that God is working out its life through us. So, when we desire a God experience heaven will open itself up to deliver us every kind of good. In his book, The Untethered Soul, Michael Singer asks the question, “What if God looks at us as a mother looks at her child?” She sees only beauty and perfection. Wouldn’t that God want you to have what you desire?