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Creating My Life

We always attract according to our thought. Things are outer manifestations of our inner workings. Ernest Holmes wrote, “The word we speak is the law of our lives. Nothing hinders its’ operation but ourselves.” Thoughts can be our best friend or our worst enemy. Free choice is a great gift or a great curse. It all depends on how we use it. Everything we experience is the result of a decision we made or did not make. J.K. Rowling wrote, “It is our choices that show us who we truly are far more than our abilities.”

The mystics all teach that life is lived from the inside out. That’s why we say, “The Kingdom of God is within you.” When we live from the inside out we are living authentically. We are expressing from our true self as opposed to our ego. 

We can’t live a choice less life. Our life is determined by the choices we make. So, it serves us best to make conscious choices. Next time you have a difficult choice to make take some time to move into the silence and allow yourself to listen for that still small voice. Hear what your inner voice is guiding you to do. That voice will never lead you astray. As Ernest Holmes reminds us, “A person may be reborn, remade, and renewed in mind and body just through taking a little time to get acquainted with his better self, just through coming to realize the invisible and almost unknown guest who accompanies everyone through life-the spiritual presence within.”